We cater for all your special occasions from small-gatherings to weddings.
We specialize in full service outdoor catering including On-Site cooking and boast a catering reputation of over 15 years and several hundreds of successful catering undertakings.
We have catered at a number of different venues in and around Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio.
OnSite Chat Bazaar – Let our chat master do varieties of chats onsite.
OnSite Dosa Station – Let us make wide varieties of fresh dosas off our dosa range at your location.
We are a preferred wedding caterer for famous wedding and corporate event avenues in Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio, marquee hotels and banquet halls such as Omni William Penn, Sheraton, Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton and Duquesne club.
Contact us for a full range of options and we take all your special requests.

We love making perfect cakes, desserts and pastries for all your special occasions.
We cater to customers who emphasize on eggless pastries. When it comes to baking, our bakers are dedicated to the highest standards of quality, delivering freshly made products from scratch in our kitchen on premises.
Contact us for a full range of pastry options and we take all your special requests.